written snapshots

Experiment Week One Results

I’m posting this for Sunday but its Thursday as I write. So its been 5 days since I started the experiment and I have 7 posts. I’ve fallen back on some tropes that I often talk about inconjunction to architecture and I suspect I’ll revisit them soon enough. One positive side effect I can see already is that I’m actually reading some of the freebie magazines around the house. These past couple years I’ve gotten on the mailing lists of a few homebuilding/multifamily housing magazines but the dead trees have just been stacking up. Now that I’m looking for ideas, I gotta start reading more!

I suspect if I keep doing small short posts (almost-tweets) I can keep this up or the next three months, the length of the experiment. But I wouldn’t be horribly shocked if I run out of steam also (see all my old hobbies except for boardgaming).

And here’s a shout out to Seth Godin since its his blog that is the model for what I’m playing with.