written snapshots


A few nights ago, kids brought Mommy Bear, Daddy Bear, and Adventure for my bedtime. They also gave me an old sweater to dress Daddy Bear. I put it on him this morning, brought in Bear Bear and took a family portrait.










This post is an example of why I am such a huge proponent of sharing your work online, again and again over time.

Can you see it? (Clue: I’ll keep original formatting on the previous alphabet.)

As I was setting this post up for this next round of images, I accidentally hit a comma instead of a period.

Of course! I always wanted an non-intrusive spacer, and what’s smaller than a period? But a period is a touch too insubstantial and carries weight as an ending. A comma is a tad bigger and actually means “pause”.

It took me six posts to figure this out….or sixty-one posts including my OPM letters, which used a ~ tilde. I could have never thought this up in the abstract.

A digital space of your own gives you the space to grow. It lets you experiment one step at a time. Just start! With something imperfect! Now!

And one day, the gods may grant you a flash of insight, possibly the perfect typo at the right time. But you gotta show up, again and again.
