written snapshots


The boy is notorious at not doing his part of cleaning up. One Sunday, the girl figured out a hack, enticing him to help. They took videos of each other cleaning up — and played it backwards on the iPad to great hilarity. Viola! A clean playroom!







Our daughter had jaundice that kept us in the hospital an extra night after her birth.

Late into that third night, I walked around the ward in a sleep deprived haze. I suddenly realized that my parents were just making shit up as they went. I also realized that this was now my fate for the coming decades.

Maybe some parents know the answers; do they figure it out after the 3rd or fourth kid?

But I ain’t got no epiphany to share after almost ten years in this parenting game.

I’d love to think that I might have something to do with raising them right. But I suspect that our main job is to avoid traumatizing them and to avoid spoiling them. And to share cool stuff along the way.

Between those two wide bounds with that fuzzy directive, I wonder if we actually exert all that much influence over our kids.

Who knows, I’ve been making shit up all along the way.
