written snapshots

Man’s Search for Meaning, Viktor Frankl, 1946

I see why this book is so widely read.

It starts as a memoir of life in the concentration camps and ends with the catharsis of logotherapy.

I have no idea whether logotherapy works, though it sure sounds truthy, especially coming from one who has survived so much trauma.

So that leaves us the memoir. And what is there to say? Holy hell, we have some evil people and evil systems in this world. I hope I’m not complicit in the worst of such systems right now.

The other thought came from the date of publication, one year after the end of the war. It’s amazing how quickly societies bounce back from the abyss. We’re really good at forgetting the past and moving on as if nothing has happened.

If someone else was crushed yesterday, what is it to me? Today or tomorrow? It’s a cold world.

Maybe logotherapy is the answer.