written snapshots


The kids insisted on reading Grumpy Monkey Oh No It’s Christmas before leaving while Mama checked out of the supermarket.

Mama was not amused as she waited outside. Her ire disappeared when I rushed out with blood soaking through his mask, dripping down his throat.

He didn’t complain about a bloody nose until the book was done!







Apple Vision Pro has finally entered the conversation, on Youtube and in my podcasts. “Spatial computing” will be the future!

Great! I’m doing nothing.

The iPhone didn’t hit its stride until the 4—why spend hard cash on alpha technology?

More importantly, I want the six year old to remember a world without VR.

Growing up in the early 80’s, I was among the first cohort who always had a computer at home, but we didn’t connect to the internet until college. I’m grateful that my youth was disconnected from the world wide web.

I’m not so stubborn to skip the ubiquitous internet of today’s reality, but I feel no rush to interjaculate our children’s world with digital light knifed through their pupils.

That future can wait.


Happy New Year!

Here’s to Dragoning for the next lunar cycle.
