written snapshots

OPM.31 Our Heros

Last year, my friend posted a note when Helmut Jahn was killed in a bike accident.

We’ve hit the age when our heroes are leaving us.

I looked at Helmut’s website. He had an impressive portfolio, but the page stopped scrolling.

When starting my career, there was an infinite supply of next-projects. An endless row of residential remodels lined my future.

Thirty houses later, it stopped. I went corporate and never came home.

Jump again and my government pension plan has given me a logical retirement date and a biennual cycle.

Nevada’s legislature meets every odd numbered year when they give us projects. If the economy stays perfect, I will be assigned a big project every four years and five small projects every other year.

At most, I’ve got five more buildings and fifty small remodels.

Wait! That’s it?


The night after the news, my dream mind visited San Francisco to search for an old friend. I went into a cafe. The barista pointed towards the BBQ joint down the street. As I walked along the shaded tree lined sidewalk, I woke up and remembered that Andrew passed away a decade ago.

Our heroes may not be famous, but grasp them tight while they’re here.


Who are your heroes? How are you honoring them?


This Corridor Crew episode is an exit interview with a member starting his own channel. The guys discuss the need for consistent production and loving the craft. It’s not about the product, it’s the doing.

Seth Godin writes about three skills that will keep one employed. He challenges us to learn the art of “initiation“. Go make shit happen.

Here are some lovely photos by David Alrath of Skovshoved Petrol Station, designed by Arne Jacobsen in 1936.


Firemen Parading, USA, May 30 circa 1900, Bain News Service


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Justus Pang, RA
