written snapshots, 2022

We’ve spent the past decade watching our hopes for social media fade into a dystopian hellscape.

With lists, I had wrangled Twitter into being a decent source of information, but it remained an awful place for discussion.

Then a man-child swooped in and to put it out of its misery. The chaos was entertaining for a couple of weeks before it got old. Relying upon the latest outrage for a dopamine addiction isn’t edifying entertainment.

In this wake, @noam stepped into the void. It’s still in beta, the user base is still small, and my 24k new best buddies are still friendly.

Maybe it will change for the worse. Or slide into irrelevance. Rational odds are for one or the other.

But maybe not. For the first time in a while, social media comes with hope.

Between the election results and, it’s been a good November. Here’s to many more.

Happy Thanksgiving.