written snapshots

Running From or Running To?

When a project hits a snag – run to the problem (advice from my administrator at a partnering meeting with our contractor in 2019.)

I often say, problems don’t fix themselves, they only get worse over time.

Borrowing a phrase from Jocko Willink, Default Aggressive is the best way to tackle issues (though one of the choices is may be to actively choose to let things play out for a moment).

Remember the hidden costs of waiting for a perfectly confirmed answer. Colin Powell had the 40-70 rule. Don’t make a rash decision, but waiting for all the information can lead to a lost opportunity. (Of course Powell famously made a serious error in the yellow cake presentation, so the risks are also real.)

A leadership position frees you from long work, but you owe the team the risk of owning the hard work. (As soon as I write a blog post saying I’m over Seth Godin, I come right back to one of his key concepts).
