written snapshots

This Word Does Not Exist

septemismogram (septemis·mo·gram)

A long record of a genome or structure, typically with a distinctive pattern of DNA orRNA fragments”a team of researchers have run theseptemismogram genetic model to find a significant distance between individuals within the same family”

a word that does not exist; it was invented, defined and used by a machine learning algorithm.

Breaking News: The gods of AI are gonna take over the world.

Programming note: I’ve decided to officially adopt my informal bi-weekly publishing schedule. By locking in Monday and Thursday mornings into the MailChimp settings, (instead of having it pull from my RSS feed every day), I’m hoping I will now be free to add random links or short posts throughout the week.

Over the past couple months I’ve been noodling over an alternative sub-tagline “a site for personal archeology”. Tiny finds (like such as this one) aren’t worth spamming inboxes, but I think they are fine to follow up one of the bigger posts. Hopefully the Monday/Thursday newsletter will arrive in reverse chronological order, starting with the most recent big-post, followed by any quick hits underneath it. If this works, then great! If not, then more tweaks will be happening.

Cheers! Justus