written snapshots


Here are some of my posts and resources that might be useful for architects looking for extra conceptual tools and tricks.


Web Taskboard +Weekly Check-ins – I started employing this process over the past year, so it is still a work in progress, but I believe this would be a useful practice for every team.

Project Post Mortems – I have been employing this at the end of every project phase for at few years, both in private practice and as an Owner’s PM. It is a great opportunity to get in alignment with your team. I also use it for personal reflection.

Architectural Aphorisms – I’m fond of aphorisms, though I think this other post of sayings by real architects might be of more interest.

A Syntax of Actions in Plan Reviews – This might not be specifically relevant for architects, but it is a good exercise to trim down one’s vocabulary to the barest minimum. It sharpens the mind to contemplate exactly what you are doing. From there you can re-expand with clarity.

Tactics for handling a big task – I wrote this after reviewing a complex change order request. It lists some useful approaches to tackle a big hairy scary task.


Ecological Democracy, Randy Hester, 2006 – It’s a big book, but worth pondering.

House Form and Culture, Amos Rapoport, 1969 – I need to reread this book. I blame this book (the first book I read in college) and Charles Jencks (which I read in high school) for making me eternally cynical about high architecture.

Self help is the junk food of prose. Here’s a list on leadership for your enjoyment. A couple recent favorites are Tiny Habits and the works of Taleb (Anti-Fragile and The Bed of Procrustes).

Labryinths, Jorges Luis Borges, 1962 – I got it for the mind bending fiction and it’s held up over the years over multiple re-readings. The non-fiction essays are also quite good and the parables are pure gold.

Invisible Cities, Italo Calvino, 1972 – Frankly I’m shocked this isn’t required reading for Architecture students.

Walden, Henry David Thoreau, 1854 – I stumbled across an abridged version and am currently re-listening to an unabridged version. Along with Invisible Cities, I think this should be required reading for Architects.


Maravillas Gymnasium, Alejandro del la Sota, 1962 – no doubt continues to be my favorite building

Favorite Architectures – an ancient post about some of my favorite buildings. Still fairly accurate a decade later.

North Arrows – I’ve always had a fondness for north arrows, because I’ve never been able to design one to my own satisfaction. This page is a living collection of north arrows as I stumble across them.

My Own Portfolio – aside from shameless self promotion, I wanted to mention that technically it was quite simple, a basic wordpress theme with two plugins. Compiling the work took a little time, but it is a useful exercise to do a midcareer retrospective.

Thoughts on remodeling one’s home – not fun, but recommended. Once.